
July 8th, 2007

Over at This Week in Science we are having a contest to create a billboard for our future Unicorn Museum. My friend Casey came up with the idea, and I am running with it like a bat outta hell. The billboard will be installed across from the Creation Museum in Kentucky if all goes as planned. But, in the meantime, we are working on a website for the museum, and taking entries for the billboard. Eventually, people will be able to vote for their favorite billboard design, and with enough donations from kind folks we may see a dream become a reality. Unicorns facing off against Creation.

Some might get the impression from many of my posts that I am anti-religion, but that is not the case. I just have an extremely short fuse when it comes to dealing with people who misrepresent science. There may have been some act of creation by some greater being at some point in history. I have no way of knowing that. But, to twist scientific evidence or to completely disavow it because it doesn’t agree with ones beliefs is unforgivable.

You might be the nicest person in the world, but if you think the world is 6000 years old you are ignorant of and blind to the world around you. If anything is a sin it should be the benighted thinking that young earth creationists are marketing to the masses.

Let’s all open our eyes to the fact that the scientific mis-information that the Creation Museum is peddling is from the Dark Ages, and that is where it belongs. Not here in the 21st century.

So, now that I’ve opened myself to all sorts of abuse, let’s all think about Unicorns for a minute.

Doesn’t that make you feel better?

One Response to “Unicorns”

  1. Bill Shirley on July 9, 2007 10:56 am


    I like to put it as: evolution and the origin of species has nothing to do with religion and nothing to say on religion. If your belief in a creationist beginning is so weak that you have to attack science, I’m sorry for the weakness of your beliefs.

    Of course I try not to say it that bluntly in person.

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