Wouldn’t You Know It?

January 8th, 2008

The monkeys invented prostitution way back… or, at least, men have had to work for sex throughout history.

There’s been a sense in the animal behavior world for quite some time (since around 1994 when biological markets were first proposed) that sex should be thought of as a commodity. It is THE big resource for life. Without it, there would be no procreation, and females hold the key. So, this research goes some way toward providing evidence for the idea.

My big question, however, is why is this such a big story? It is everywhere in the news, and I have been sent the story by at least four separate people. Is it that the combination of monkeys and sex in one story is just too good to pass up?

One Response to “Wouldn’t You Know It?”

  1. A Hubbard on January 19, 2008 10:00 am

    Is purchasing Jimmy Choo, Manolo Blahnik, fine dinners, trips to luxury hotels, and BMW’s a kind of human “grooming” for sex?? Is a backrub analogous to monkey grooming? You are so right, men have had to work (pay) for sex throughout history.. BUT, prostitutiion finely defined, is exemplified by behavior at the Kit Kat Ranch, Nevada..

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