Shameless Self-promotion

November 14th, 2008

I’m going to be on TV national today!!! At least, I think so. A few weeks ago I was flown down to LA by the producers of a show called The Doctors to be their food science expert for an episode of the show.

I had almost given up hope that it would ever air when, yesterday, I happened to check the episode schedule for this week. At the bottom of the list was the episode of which I was a part, and it was scheduled for today.

Yikes! So, barring being completely edited out of the episode, I’m going to be on TVs across the nation for a whole 5 minutes. That’s right. A whole five minutes.

During the recording session, I talked with one of the docs about acidity of sodas, sugar versus saccarine, taste buds, Miracle Fruit, and iron in cereals. The shortness of the segment forced me to talk in soundbites, but sometimes that’s what it takes to get a message across.

I am most excited to be making the jump from podcasting into network television. There is a certain amount of validation for the work I am doing in new media with this invitation to be a part of the larger media realm. We’ll see where it goes from here.

I would love a full half-hour of TV time to talk about science. Anyone want to hire me as the face of science? Science’s spokemodel? I’m throwing my hat into the ring. A half hour a week is all I ask.

In the meantime, check me out if you have the time today — The Doctor’s Local Listings.

Update: I have already been seen in the NYC area. That’s awesome. 🙂

7 Responses to “Shameless Self-promotion”

  1. Jason R on November 14, 2008 3:08 pm

    Aw man, we have to tune into a specific channel at a specific time? This is not on YouTube already? That is so, like, 2006. 😛

    Just kidding. Congrats on being beamed on the big tube. I had never heard of The Doctors before. Here’s hoping they get you back on to shoot flames at something too.

  2. brian on November 14, 2008 11:18 pm

    But, what about TWIS? Are you going to resort to technology to do a remote high-quality feed with the UC Davis studio? You have to find a way to keep doing TWIS as well.

  3. Tim on November 17, 2008 11:22 am

    Awesome! Unfortunately I haven’t had TV for the past 4 months. Gonna be posted online anywhere?

  4. Inoculated Mind on November 18, 2008 11:44 pm

    Very cool. TV needs something like this show, but devoted to talking about science news, interviewing scientists and others, etc. A team of science communicators, each specializing in a different area.

    Congrats, hope you go far!
    (Just had the first snow of the year in Wisconsin)

  5. alloycowboy on November 19, 2008 6:24 pm

    Hey Kirsten,

    Why don’t you start your own production company already. If Opera can do it, how can it be?


  6. RapidEye on November 23, 2008 9:40 am

    Great Job Dr Kiki!!!
    I’m glad all those years working with Justin on TWIS prepped you for working with that obnoxious host. Sheesh, the guy kept interrupting you and really liked the sound of his own voice!
    If he’d tossed in an odd jab at Bush and/or a good smokers hack I’d have been convinced that was Justin in scrubs!!!

    I’m really pulling for you to be the face and voice of science. Between TWIS, Rev3, and the PixelCorpse stuff you are certainly working your butt off to get the exposure. I was hoping after you left Pop Siren that R3 would have something better for you. That show had a lot of promise, tons of on screen talent, but really sort of wandered around hunting for a direction and audience.

    Anyway – thanks again for sharing that video with us. You did your typical outstanding job, in spite of a jerk for a co-host!!!

  7. Paul on November 17, 2009 5:48 pm

    Dude… er, dudette… that guy so totally didn’t let you talk. If he asks you to come back make sure that he agrees to give you 5 minutes to do your own presentation.

    Hey, what happened to the Food Science podcast? My kids are bummed. We haven’t seen a new episode in a year or more.


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