Science Resume
Dr. Kirsten H. Sanford
Academic CV
Ph.D. in Molecular, Cellular and Integrative Physiology (MCIP) from UC Davis, Department of Neurobiology, Physiology, and Behavior (NPB), December 1, 2006.
B.S. in Wildlife Management from UC Davis, Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Conservation Biology (WFCB), June 1996.
•Graduate Student Researcher, NPB, UC Davis, 2005
•Teaching Assistant and Lecturer, NPB, UC Davis, 1999-2000, 2002-2005.
•Research Associate, Neuropsychopharmacology Lab, UC San Francisco, 2001-2002.
•Research Assistant, NPB, UC Davis, 1998-2000.
•Post-graduate Researcher, NPB, UC Davis, 1998.
•Lab Assistant 2, NPB, UC Davis, 1997.
•Assistant Animal Technician, NPB, UC Davis, 1996-1997.
•Student intern, NPB, UC Davis, 1996.
•Student intern, WFCB, UC Davis, 1995.
•Student Assistant, Medical Surgery Building, UC Davis, 1993-1994.
•Dissertation research project, MCIP Graduate Group, Drs. Tom Hahn and Vladimir Pravosudov, Fall 2003-present–behavioral and neural studies of learning and memory in wild-caught nomadic and migratory birds.
•Neuropsychopharmacology research, Neuropsychopharmacology Lab (UCSF), Dr. John Mendelson, 2001-2002–neuropsychopharmalogical studies of narcotics on human subjects.
•Electrophysiology Research internship, Dept. of Neuroscience (UC Davis Primate Center), Dr. Kathalin Gothard, Summer 2000–electrophysiological studies of the rhesus monkey brain and involvement of the amygdala in recognition.
•Dissertation research project/research assistant, Physiology Graduate Group, Dr. N.S. Clayton, 1998-2000–behavioral studies of learning and memory in the zebra finch.
•Paid student intern position, NPB, Dr. N.S. Clayton, UC Davis, 1997—hippocampal research investigating involvement of estrogen in spatial memory in zebra finches.
•Student Intern, NPB, Dr. N.S. Clayton, UC Davis, 1996–aided on project investigating the hippocampus and spatial memory in zebra finches.
•Summer Field Research Program, Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory, Gothic, Colorado, 1995–conducted group research project on bird populations in various habitats.
•Lab Instructor/Lecturer, Advanced Systemic Physiology Lab (NPB 111L), NPB, UC Davis, Spring and Fall 2003-2005.
•Teaching Assistant, Neurobiology (NPB 100), NPB, UC Davis, Summer 2003.
•Teaching Assistant, General biology for non-majors (BIS 10), NPB, UC Davis, Winter 2003, 2004.
•Lab Instructor/Lecturer, Human Physiology Lab (NPB 101L), NPB, UC Davis, Spring 2000.
•Teaching Assistant/Reader, Animal Behavior (NPB 102), NPB, UC Davis, Winter/Spring 1999 & Winter 2000.
•Mentor for Young Scholar’s Program, NPB, UC Davis, Summer 1997 & 1999
•Kickboxing Instructor, Pallen’s Martial Arts, Davis, 2000
•Sailing Instructor, Stonegate Lake Country Club, Davis, 1994
•Gymnastics Instructor, City of Davis Gymnastics, Davis, 1993-1994
•Introductory Neurobiology, BIS 10 (General Biology for non-science majors), UC Davis, Instructor – Dr. Jerry Marr, Winter 2003, 2004, 2005.
•The Physiology of Memory in Birds, NPB 117 (Avian Physiology), UC Davis, Instructor – Dr. Jim Millam, Spring 2003-2006.
•The Neurobiology of Memory, NPB 100 (Neurobiology), UC Davis, Instructor – Dr. Cynthia Erickson, Summer 2003.
•Introductory Neurobiology, General Biology for non-science majors, American River College, Instructor – Dr. Alexis Blackmer, Fall 2003.
2005 AAAS Mass Media Science & Engineering Fellowship
2002 Phi Sigma Biological Sciences Honor Society
1999 Jastro-Shields Fellowship Recipient
1999 Animal Behavior RTG Travel Grant Recipient
1999 Physiology Graduate Group Block Grant Recipient
•WIDSI (‘Watch It. Don’t Squash It.’), After-school educational science program for grades 1-5 in West Sacramento elementary school, 2005
•Community radio dj, Host/Producer of ‘This Week in Science’, KDVS 90.3 FM Public Affairs Programming, Tuesdays 8:30-9:30 am, 2000-present
•Campus News Service Internship, UC Davis News Service, Paul Pfotenhauer and Lisa Lapin, production of short television broadcast news stories about UC Davis for public television, January-July 2003
•MCIP Graduate Group Student Steering Committee, 2002-present
•MCIP Graduate Group Recruitment and Membership Committee, 2003-2004
•Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, active member since 2004
•Electric WOMB (Women of Music+Media Business), active member since 2004
•National and Northern California Association for Women in Science: active member since 2004, SV-AWIS President – 2006
•Boy Scout bird guide: 1998
Sanford, K.H. & Clayton, N.S. (2008). Motivation and memory in Zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) foraging behavior.
Pravosudov, V.V., Sanford, K.H., & Hahn, T.P. (2007). Evolution of brain size in relation to migratory habits in birds.
Sanford, K.H., Breuner, C.W., Hahn, T.P., Pravosudov, V.V. (2006). Relative hippocampal volume is affected by age in migratory Mountain White-Crowned Sparrows. SICB, Orlando, USA.
Sanford, K.H. & Clayton, N.S. (1999). Memory for ‘what and where’ in Zebra Finches. Gordon Research Conference, Oxford, England.
Saldanha, C., London, S., Sanford, K. H., Clayton, N.S, & Schlinger, B.A (1998). Androgen metabolism in the juvenile oscine forebrain: A cross-species comparison at neural loci implicated in learning and memory. Soc. Neurosci. vol. 28, p.699, Los Angeles, USA.
Sanford, K., Clayton, N.S., Saldanha, C., & Schlinger, B.A. (1998). Inhibition of aromatase in zebra finches impairs spatial memory performance and hippocampal structure. Eur. Soc. Neurosci., Berlin, Germany.
Clayton, N.S., Saldanha, C., Sanford, K., & Schlinger, B.A. (1997). Estrogens, memory, and the hippocampus: an avian model. J. Psychopharmacology, 11(3), 268, Cambridge, U.K.
Clayton, N.S., Sanford, K., Saldanha, C., & Schlinger, B.A. (1997). Inhibition of aromatase in zebra finches impairs spatial memory performance and hippocampal structure: I. Behavior. Soc. Neurosci. vol. 27, p.2125, New Orleans, USA.
Saldanha, C., Clayton, N.S., Sanford, K., & Schlinger, B.A. (1997). Inhibition of aromatase in zebra finches impairs spatial memory performance and hippocampal structure: II. Anatomy. Soc. Neurosci. vol. 27, p.2126, New Orleans, US
40 Responses to “Science Resume”
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Kickboxing Instructor?!? There’s something you don’t see on a CV everyday.
Why should I trust your advise about cooking? I see to great resumes, but nothing wi th cooking or restuarant work involved. If your really want to explain science through cooking, bake something.
Oops. I guess that I forgot to include my many years of work experience at local cafes and the years that I have been cooking for myself and my family. Why do you say, “bake something”?
I don’t understand what my experience in restaurant work has to do with teaching science. Food Science is about science, and it uses food as a common topic with which to teach. Food Science is not a cooking show. No one ever said it was.
Why are you attacking me when all I’m doing is trying to make science fun and interesting to more than just scientists? Do you have any real constructive criticism for my show? I am always looking to improve what I so, and can do that with help. But, you’re not helping with your comments so far.
As a mom I think it’s great that you are making science fun and interesting. We all love food! Thanks for helping me able to teach my children how science is involved in cooking and food.
Keep up the great work Kirsten! Don’t take any guff from the yeahoo’s that obviously are of a smaller mind.
Really like Food Science. Please continue to make more.
Possible subjects:
1) Honey – why does it crystalize? why won’t is spoil (or will it)?
2) Butter – what does the agitation process do to transmogrify cream into butter?
3) Bread in the microwave – why does it either revert to dough-like soggy mess (mostly pizza crust here), or become rock hard?
4) yeast – what does it do and why is it needed in breads?
5) emulsifier – water and oil don’t mix without one – mayonnaise!
Hi Kirsten, I love you’re podcast. It is very interisting, thank you. p.s. Justin is a little over the top though.
Why are you attacking me when all I’m doing is trying to make science fun and interesting to more than just scientists?
More seriously, why is he attacking somebody with a black belt in Taekwondo? (Maybe he didn’t read the banner?) Anyhoo, great resume! (deep bow, backing away slowly)
“Student Assistant, Medical Surgery Building”! Wow that’s awesome.
How did you combat procrastination in Grad School?
“I see to great resumes”
“If your really want to explain science through cooking, bake something.”
If you really want to flame a PhD, why don’t you try learning English first?
Anyway, impressive resumes! I love your segments on PopSiren! Any chance you’d consider doing something with animals in one of the episodes? I don’t know what you’d do, but I just like animals (especially tigers) =P
I enjoyed your presentation at EB. I think its great that you’re working to bring science to the public. Keep up the good work.
Tell us as much as you can about Skeptologists? How’s the filming going? You are part of it, right?
Marry me !
My 9 year old daughter (who always showed an interest in science) has spent this year struggling with the “tween syndrome” of her friends thinking her interests are “uncool”. After showing her your podcasts, she has discovered that it is not only possible but very rad to be both smart and interested in science but to like fashion and lip gloss at the same time. She even did her science fair project on water based on a recent pop siren episode! (I plan on emailing the pop siren’s a picture!)
So, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! If I could send you flowers I would. You are not only a rock star to my kid, you helped bring her back from Hannah Montana hell!
Love the show I’ve been listening for 4 weeks. I’m an Austin Tx listener and download the show every week gets me through the day at work. I read an interesting thing on about the late Arthur C Clark’s idea about a Self-Forging, High-Velocity ‘Spear’
here’s an excerpt
“In his 1955 novel Earthlight, science fiction author Arthur C. Clarke thought of an incredible superweapon that used giant electromagnets to shoot a stream of molten metal at lightning speed. Now, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) wants one for America’s military.”
Keep up the great work
I’ve listened for the past year or two and greatly enjoyed the show and your uncanny ability to reel in your cohost when required. Best of success from halifax, canada
Dr. Sanford:
I absolutley love your podcasts. I recently graduated from Iowa State with a degree in HRIM and after watching your podcasts I feel conflicted. Could I have possibly gotten the wrong degree??
C’est la vie.
Additionally, my daughter (5) loves your podcasts, as well. Usually we watch the 12 shows that we have EVERY night.
The only suggestions that I have would be to either increase the lengths of the podcasts or increase the number in existence.
Thanks for your time and dedication!
Frank Freeman
All Hail Kiki!!
In response to the posting by Theodore Lizard on February 1, 2008, I have an additional topic for your Food Science Podcast; Unraveling the Mysteries of the Paradoxical Marshmallow.
A quirky food item, consisting of sugar(s) and air. If exposed to microwave radiation it exands. Place said item in a vaccum it expands. Can anything combat the mighty Marshmallow other than grahm crackers and melted chocolate?
Keep up the excellent work Dr.
Hi Dr. Kirsten Sanford,
I had a question based on one of your online videos about Protein Denaturation:
“Will mixing the commercial protein powder (used for body building) in hot milk or hot water render that protein powder useless because of its thermal denaturation…? Will it affect the efficacy of the protein product ? ”
Please let me know. Thanks a lot. (Oh I forgot–I prefer hot drinks as opposed to co0ld drinks and that’s why I asked that question!)
Thanks a ton–Krishnan
[…]… […]
Kiki you inspire me! I recently got my Ph.D. in neuroendocrinology (one of my committee members was C. Saldanha, as a matter of fact), and think that how you are teaching science to the masses is so awesome! If you ever need a foreign correspondent, let me know (I am starting a post-doc in Belgium soon).
P.S. How awesome is it that next year’s burning man theme is evolution?
Looks like the average post-doc resume. Sorry, lady, you’re not as extraordinarily smart or sexy as you think. You’re just above average educated, above average looking and way above average in the egotistic department. But in today’s world of who can be the most brash, bold, loud and pushy, and to hell with everybody else, I guess that sells, so you’re bound to go far and succeed tremendously. Until the culture changes, which it may not in your life time.
Love your web site! I haven’t seen any of the shows that you apparently do… Would love to be pointed to a link.
“Zaphod Beeblebrox”? Oh, good, flames posted under a fake name. Very creative–not.
Love the podcast, Dr. Kiki. Keep up the great work.
TWIS is THE BEST podcast available Dr Kiki and Justin make Science not only interesting, BUT FUN!!!
I wait each week to learn and laugh!
It was nice to hear Dr Kiki on TWIT as well, good to hear she is getting out and about.
I hope the new science-friendly Obama wave is very good to Dr Kiki and Justin who help us survise the Dark Ages of Bush…
Thanks so much!
Hilo, HI
I stumbled on your website. You seem very interesting.
Someday perhaps we will meet.
PS I enjoyed the Michio interviews.
My bio:
…But I am more than that.
Hi Dr. Kiki, this is a bit off subject but I recently saw an article about experiments using low voltage electric shocks on the groin area to stimulate development of blood vessles to counteract erectile dysfunction. Not much for a person interested in bird brains but of great interest to all of us old geezers who suffer this afflication. But you do seem to have a great interest in human sexual activity so I thought that you would want to know about it.
I stumbled upon your website while looking for science resume help. How very interesting! I wish you all the success in the world! I’d love to see someone explain food science without the cheesy Alton Brown crap like dressing up like a cowboy. I have a degree in Biology and I’m also interested in journalism, so your website is a great resource. Thanks and keep up the good work!
Hello, i love your brain and i love your face
Great work
Greetings from Mexico
Alright, You asked me to Speak my Mind, So here Goes.
After hearing Dr Kiki Sanford on one of Leo Laporte’s Podcasts and learning about “This Week in Science”, I thought that’s a great idea. However, after listening to about 15 minutes of podcast TWIS_2010_04_06, I had to turn it off. It was just too painful to listen to. I’ve never heard a more unprofessional broadcast.
If you want donations, you have to appeal to adults. And you won’t appeal to them unless the people doing the podcast can be taken seriously and sound like professionals. Take a cue from the host of any well established radio or TV talk show. You need a host that presents the news in a mature, adult-like manner, and who is also easy on the ears. When searching for such a person, have them give you a Demo Tape, CD, DVD, or whatever and ask people of all ages to give a quick listen to it. Listen to the comments of those people to find what appeals to them, and why.
You have a great idea for a podcast, but it’s currently being done very badly. I’ll give a listen to one of your podcasts again in a few months to see if anything has changed; that is, if you survive that long.
Good Luck!
Hi Kiki!
Great piece on LN2-created ice cream!
Is there a possibility of getting it on a CD?
Pls let me know if you give teaching sessions as well.
Cheers — Roy
Hello Dr. Kiki!
Reading your resume, could you point me out into some topics of behavorial research of human adaptation?….I’m trying to get my head into social adaptation to different conditions…
Great resume by the way and keep the good work up!
@Larry Carley – seriously? What do you do for fun, listen to clocks ticking? If you don’t care for Dr. Kiki & Leo, please go somewhere else.
Dr. Kiki – I *love* your show(s) and have learned more about science from them than I did throughout high school and university. Your simplistic approach is a real winner, and is very inspiring! I just wanted you to know that you have REAL fans that love your work and want more!!!
Nice to meet you! @mytreetv
Hi!,i am milagros,from argentina, i am 11 and this is my commentary:
Wow!,your teaching experience list is just HUGE ¡awesome!
if you need any spanish translation experience (or japanese, but i dont wanna be such a show off) i am available
I’m consulting physician, editor, penpusher n spritualist fr Mumbai.
U r a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.
Up with the skirts n down with the pants.
God bless.
Kirsten, if you are ever in Moose Jaw Saskatchewan contact me and I will cook you dinner. Love your show on Twit.
may be it’s worth to make a program about jokes about real scientist. It will make science easier to accept by others not connected with science. You mostly do the job, but some scientist are officially too serious speaking about their speciality as about religion or some thing like this and this is really bad for a science at all. Of course this is important way to reallity but knowbody knows all
I just found you through Kirk Sorenson on Thorium power. I gotta say I’m impressed. You are a lovely woman, a brilliant human being, AND a black belt to boot. That’s about as close to Goddess as it gets in my world.