Thanks For Science

November 23rd, 2007

I am incredibly thankful for science. I thank science for allowing me to see the world with objectivity. I thank science for allowing me to see the world as it is, an amazing, awe-inspiring place. I thank science for giving me tools with which to learn more about my world. I thank science for never sitting still, but always striving for more. I thank science for challenging the status-quo. I thank science for teaching me that it is ok to subvert the dominant paradigm when knowledge necessitates a change. I thank science for the technology I use and the medicine I take. I thank science for the food that I eat and the buildings in which I live. I thank science for pushing humanity’s limits. I thank science for verifying and falsifying human beliefs. I thank science for making life easier and yet more complex all at the same time. I thank science for the information that will help me make an educated decision. I thank science for finding cures. I thank science for never saying that it is 100% certain. I thank science for always asking questions.

Do you have a reason for being thankful for science?

5 Responses to “Thanks For Science”

  1. Well-known scientist on November 23, 2007 9:56 pm

    I thank science for bestowing us a scientist like you who enlightens the world ceaselessly.
    I thank science for inspiring you to cause others to become inspired.
    I thank science for making my life full of joy.

  2. David on November 28, 2007 12:45 pm

    I thank science for paying the bills.
    I thank science for channeling my curiosity into constructive avenues.
    I’m thankful for being able to share science with my daughters and other children.

    “I thank science for never saying that it is 100% certain.” –> That’s great!

  3. ThinMapGuy on December 3, 2007 9:10 am

    I thank science for giving me the best job in the world! Call me crazy but I think teaching science to 7th and 8th graders it where its at. I thank science for allowing me to have my own beliefs and still see science for what it is – the “how” not the “why.”

  4. Akela Talamasca on December 12, 2007 8:00 pm

    My feelings are summed up nicely in a t-shirt I once saw:

    “Science: It works, bitches.”

  5. John H Maloney on December 24, 2007 5:02 am

    Very well said (er written). As someone who was born with a disability (spina bifida), I’m definitely thankful for it because I wouldn’t be alive without it. As a geek I also appreciate it for it’s fun side as well.

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