Yummy Chocolate

December 5th, 2007

I just finished shooting an episode of Food Science that’s all about chocolate. It should be coming out in a month or so… whenever all the post-production is finished. But, in my recent infatuation with the dark and tasty treat, I came across this website about chocolate from the American Chemical Society. It is… ahem… choc full of great information.

3 Responses to “Yummy Chocolate”

  1. Liana on December 5, 2007 3:02 pm

    I love learning about the science of food. I can’t wait to see this ep. It is very fascinating and gets me thinking about other aspects of various foods and combining them. Thanks for sharing your wisdom. 🙂

  2. Well-known scientist on December 5, 2007 4:00 pm

    Just thought how pre and post-production are progressing. Writing ,editing, adding, changing, going nuts, etc. Hope to taste, oops!, see the chocolate episode soon. Thanks for your effort again.

  3. John H Maloney on December 24, 2007 4:51 am

    That site is fascinating, thanks for the link. I just found out about Food Science after seeing you on The Lab with Leo video blog and I love the show, looking forward to the chocolate episode.

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