Making Science Political

December 10th, 2007

I know many people out there like their science and politics to mix about as much as a red sock in a load of white laundry. However, the two are inextricably linked no matter how furious the protestations.

This is one of the reasons that I have made The Weird From Washington with Dr. Michael Stebbins a regular part of the TWIS line-up. Politicians are making decisions about our lives that should be informed by science, yet science remains the red-headed stepchild of the United States government. Science is ignored. It is attacked. It is misused and mistreated.

There is a light in the woods, and we will see how bright it can burn over the next year as scientists and bloggers band together to force science into the Presidential debate. Will independent media be able to put science and the environment on big media’s plate? Will it become an issue outside of the halls of academia?

Support the ScienceDebate2008.

4 Responses to “Making Science Political”

  1. Cameron Reilly on December 11, 2007 10:53 pm

    Kiki,here here. It concerns me a great deal that politicians in your country and mine (Australia) who show such a complete disrespect for science and the scientific method are making decisions about our futures on a daily basis. I question the ability of anyone who doesn’t give science their full respect to make rational decisions.

  2. John H Maloney on December 24, 2007 4:56 am

    I just joined, hopefully it will have some impact. It’s truly frightening how little consideration government gives to science.

  3. David in Detroit on January 8, 2008 12:29 am

    The fairytale religious beliefs of these politicians get in the way of true medical/ scientific progress…

    George Bush condemned Christopher Reeve to a short life of agony by stopping stem cell research in America… Scientists recently repaired damaged spines of paralyzed mice and they can now walk… Chris could be alive and walking right now if this type of study wasn’t hindered by G.W.B…

    Don’t be afraid to speak out and explain that Jesus is a myth and religion is a mental illness…

    Knock off the pandering to the “Bible Belt” and leave science alone…

  4. Kirsten Sanford on January 10, 2008 11:08 pm

    Science lost once again to the political budget axe just at the end of 2007. 🙁 We thought there was a chance that the funding would come through this year. Regardless, there are still many working to give science its due, and to continue properly educating the public and the next generation in scientific details. I have hope.

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